New!! Everyday Parenting Guide for Sessions and Session Planners for every session in the 2nd edition EDP book. Located under: Everyday Parenting/EDP Session Outlines.

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Click on each button above to access the resources used to learn about and implement the FCU model. Hover over the i in the bottom right corner of each button for details.

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This site includes free resources for the public as part of the Prevention Science Institute and University of Oregon's (UO) College Education programs. This site also serves to introduce Northwest Prevention Science (NPS), the UO's sole licensee to provide training, consulting and technology related to the Family Check-Up on a fee basis. The Family Check-Up® is a trademark of the UO. UO provide quality control over the constellation of programs using the mark in order to retain their evidence-based fidelity. That quality control is managed through UO's Prevention Science Institute and College of Education, world-class leaders in behavioral research and interventions. UO's goals are to support research and practice and to connect with those conducting similar research and practice regardless of location. In order to maximize the impact of the Family Check-Up model and programs, UO licensed the Family Check-Up to NPS to reach more families where they are, including through their healthcare providers and schools.